Economic evaluation of road investment proposals : unit values for road user costs at June 2002.

Thoresen, T. Roper, R. Lloyd, B. & Michel, N.

This document contains estimates of road user unit costs in Australia at 30 June 2002. The purpose of the estimates is to provide input values for economic evaluation models used by Australian road agencies for transport projects. Estimates are in `resource price' terms, that is, the unit prices include subsidies but exclude indirect taxes, customs, and excise imposed by governments, in order to reflect the real cost of road use to the community. Separate estimates are provided for the components of vehicle operating costs, and for travel time costs and crash costs. Where appropriate separate cost estimates are provided for principal vehicle stereotypes and for individual travellers. Estimates are presented in a form suitable for the data input requirements of most road project evaluation models currently being used by Australian State Road Authorities. This document also contains updated estimates of input coefficients for the `arterial stop start' and `freeway' vehicle operating cost journey speed models used by a number of agencies for urban project evaluation. Coefficients are also included for equivalent models which can be used to estimate urban vehicle fuel usage. (Author/publisher)

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C 28891 [electronic version only] /10 /96 / ITRD E210506

Haymarket, NSW, AUSTROADS, 2003, IV + 26 p., 27 ref.; AP-R241/03 - ISBN 0-85588-687-0

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