Economic evaluation of road investment proposals : valuation of benefits of roadside ITS initiatives.

Nielsen, N.

This report is a guide to the approach and parameters for valuing road user benefits for use in economic evaluations of roadside Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). It complements the Austroads Benefit Cost Analysis Manual. The objectives of the report are to improve consistency of approach and methodology across agencies, transparency of methodology , and robustness of evaluations. Examples of roadside ITS covered include variable message signs, changeable message signs, variable speed limit signs, and integrated urban traffic management. The report proposes classifications of ITS technologies (15 categories) and road user benefits (18 categories), to assist in matching technologies and their benefits. The report notes significant variations in estimates of road user benefits due to local circumstances, which are not always reported in detail. The report recommends a commitment to post completion reviews of ITS installations to support improved understanding of the benefits. thereby enabling improved validity of future evaluations. (Author/publisher)

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C 26814 [electronic version only] /10 / ITRD E209262

Haymarket, NSW, AUSTROADS, 2003, VIII + 75 p., 80 ref.; AP-R216/03 - ISBN 0-85588-645-5

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