Economic evaluation of road investment proposals : valuing travel time savings for freight.

Fuller, T. Rockliffe, N. Wigan, M. Tsolakis, D. & Thoresen, T.

This document contains two separate reports describing studies to develop initial estimates of four attributes of freight travel time costs (freight rate, travel time, on-time delivery, and loss or damage), expressed as a freight rate per pallet per hour, in the context of three generic consignment types (inter-capital full truck load, metropolitan or intra-city full truck load, and metropolitan or intra-city less than full truck load services), in Australian conditions. The first report demonstrated the feasibility of using the contextual stated preference technique approach. The reports contain the survey proforma and details of the analysis of the results. The econometric package LIMDEP was used for statistical analysis of the survey results. The larger scale of the second survey generally led to significantly more robust estimates of the travel time parameters than were realised in Stage I. It is concluded that similar surveys of more market segments, possibly with larger sample sizes, would provide the data necessary to support routine estimation of freight travel time benefits from road investment. (Author/publisher)

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C 27889 [electronic version only] /72 /10 / ITRD E209701

Haymarket, NSW, AUSTROADS, 2003, VII + 64 p., 18 ref.; AP-R230/03 - ISBN 0-85588-668-4

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