Educatiedoelstellingen verkeer en milieu voor 4- tot 18-jarigen.

Studie in het kader van het SVV-Educatieproject
Hegger, W.G.; Schagen, I.N.L.G. van; Wittink, R.D.
This brochure presents education goals in the area of traffic, transport and environment based on seven concepts. These concepts are: (1) A livable environment is essential for the well-being of humans and society; (2) Travelling is a condition for the well-being of humans and society, but on the other hand well-being sets limits to travelling; (3) Livability, safety and accessibility are influenced by the individuals' choices of modes of travel; (4) Both individuals and the whole society are responsible for the solution of problems caused by traffic and transport; (5) Choices of modes of travel are determined by physical, social, cultural, mental and economical factors; (6) Choices for the benefit of livability, safety and accessibility require decisions of individuals regarding choices of travel modes; and (7) precaution measures limit the chance of getting involved in accidents, but cannot exclude them completely. Within each concept, the education goals are specified for the following age groups: 4 to 8 years, 8 to 12 years, 12 to 15 years and 15 to 18 years old. These goals can serve as a guide for: a) the design of curriculae; b) the development of new education materials; and c) the selection of relevant materials from existing teaching methods.
VII + 43
Gepubliceerd door
ITS, Nijmegen


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