Education and information for children and young people in France.

Mennessier, J.

The impact of early road safety education was investigated at a nursery school in Lyon which had designed its school plan around road safety for a 14-year period. The French Government take a cross-disciplinary approach to road safety education, using non-academic materials. A test must be taken in the second year of lower secondary school that is a requirement for learning to ride mopeds, and a test in the final year for the driving licence. Support measures for teaching staff, parents and young adults are outlined. The measures and others already introduced have already reduced road deaths among young people although universal implementation of the education package was not until 2003. For the covering abstract see ITRD E118917.

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C 26733 (In: C 26714 [electronic version only]) /10 /83 / ITRD E118936

In: Safe and sustainable transport : a matter of quality assurance, OECD, 2003, p. 133-136

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