Education, training and publicity.

Clayton, A.

This paper considers how far a structure exists for school-based safety education in the UK, together with the actions needed to improve the present situation. Ideally, there should be specifically designed road safety education, training, and publicity, aimed at specific road user groups including children and adults, but related to problems identified by road accident research. Most if not all road safety officers play an important part in developing road safety education in schools and colleges, but their job would be much easier if they were fully supported by the education world. Such support is especially needed from the top, from the Department of Education itself. At the same time, opinion makers lower down the scale must be influenced. There have recently been some encouraging steps in this direction, including: (1) a Children's Traffic Club in the eastern region, that encourages parents to take interest in their children's safety; (2) measures to encourage school governors to influence their schools' road safety education, including participative courses, pioneered in Scotland, and safety leaflets. Despite their heavy general responsibilities, teachers need to have courses in road safety, yet there is systematic provision for this only in Northern Ireland. The author indicates two specific areas where much greater effort is needed: (1) the role of alcohol in pedestrian accidents; (2) accidents involving older road users.

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C 2062 (In: C 2055) /83 / IRRD 859521

In: Reducing traffic injury : on target for 2000 ? : proceedings of a conference organised by the Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety PACTS, Thuesday 27th October 1992, St Thomas' Hospital, London, p. 67-73, 6 ref.

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