Een `duurzaam-veilige' netwerkstructuur en bereikbaarheid.

Poppe, F. & Galjaard, R.J.

For a specific region in the Netherlands a `sustainably safe' road network has been defined. When the road links and the intersections also get the appropriate physical layout, the traffic distribution will change. This distribution has been compared with the distribution generated by a network developed according to the current plans. This new distribution generated a traffic safety gain of 5% on the road links: approximately 30 fatalities less per year. The accessibility also improves slightly, while there are no differences for air quality. There will have to be additional attention for the noise level on the busy roads within urban areas. The changes in physical layout of road links and intersections and the other countermeasures belonging to a `sustainably safe' traffic system will generate an additional drop in the number of casualties. (A)

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C 11863 (In: C 11787 [electronic version only]) /21 /72 /82 / IRRD 493668

In: Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk CVS 1997 : sprong in het duister ? : lange termijn ontwikkelingen in het vervoersplanologisch onderzoek : bundeling van bijdragen aan het colloquium gehouden te Amsterdam op 27 en 28 november 1997, deel 3, p. 1381-1391, 2 ref.


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