Een kwalitatief onderzoek naar nieuwe vervoer- en bemanningssystemen in de bedrijfstak goederenvervoer over de weg.

Ouwerkerk, F. van.

For the employers organizations as well as the employers organizations in the sector of the international freight transport there is a need for a new insight into the way the lorry driver fulfils his task and under which circumstances he has to do his job. In particular the manning systems should be modified. At present most drivers have their "own" lorry. About 60% have two drivers which relieve each other. The future European market force the employers and employees to modify their present manning systems in connection with the competition.

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B 30727 /10 /72 / IRRD 834894

Rotterdam, Stichting Verkeersveiligheid en Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek VEWO, 1988, 67 p., 13 ref.; VW- 88 /02.

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