Een projectmodel voor de interregionale woon en werkveranderingen van werkenden.

Verster, A.C.P.

The Netherlands Government's spatial policy with respect to the densely populated western part of the country aims at concentrating new and relocating activities of living and working in growth centres at orienting the residential population more than before to the local and regional labour market, and thus at restricting their commuting radius and car use. This contribution presents a model which describes spatial demand behaviour of professional workers with respect to their residential and work location.

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B 22310 (In: B 22301 [electronic version only]) /71/72/ IRRD 270673

In: Openbaar vervoer, kompakte stad en mobiliteit : Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk (CVS) 1982 : verslag van een bijeenkomst gehouden te Den Haag op 11 en 12 november 1982, p. 199-238, 7 tab., 24 ref.

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