Een steekproefmethodiek voor visuele verkeerstellingen.

Minnen, J. van

This paper describes a method of measuring the amount of traffic within a specific area or group of roads.The time necessary for visual traffic counts can be drastically reduced by a suitable sampling method. A "mobile" traffic-counting method has been developed, based on the fact that the dispersion between locations (roads or road segments) is generally much greater than between period of time.There-fore a relatively large number of locations is used each for a relatively short period of time.This is carried out using a timetable worked out in can be made even more efficient if these mobile counts are combined with a stratified sample of locations.

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B 22514 (In: B 22511) [electronic version only] /72/ IRRD 272682

In: Verkeerskundige Werkdagen, Driebergen-Rijsenburg, 19-20 april 1983, p. 49-60, 3 ref.; R-83-4


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