Een vervoersplanologische beschouwing over woningbouw in de regio Rijnmond.

Radema, B.P.

In order to reason measures in urban and regional planning like the locating of residential areas a picture is needed of the present and desired relationship in and between settlement-patterns and transportation-systems. Different kinds of urban form-principles are regarded and judged with respect to the accessibiliy of urban centres to get that picture. The locating of residential areas in the regional plan of Rijnmond is used as an example.

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B 22306 (In: B 22301 [electronic version only]) /72/ IRRD 270669

In: Openbaar vervoer, kompakte stad en mobiliteit : Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk (CVS) 1982 : verslag van een bijeenkomst gehouden te Den Haag op 11 en 12 november 1982, p. 97-118, 7 fig., 2 tab., 16 ref.

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