Is een wezenlijke snelheidsbeperking van het gemotoriseerd verkeer door middel van gedragsbeinvloeding mogelijk?

Westerterp, G.A.

Speed limits are seen as one measure for improving traffic safety. But is it possible to get a real speed limit by modifying driver behaviour? Difference is made between the micro and the macro strategy for influencing traffic behaviour. Micro-strategy influences the behaviour of man as a road user directly. Macro strategy influences the whole system of man-machine-environment. A plea is made for a speed limit of 20 km/h in residential areas. In the first place by fixing a maximum speed and secondly to force that speed by the layout of the road. Furthermore the rights and the duties of the different road users must be of the same value. The decrease of the speed limit in residential areas and giving priority to the safety of slow traffic instead of to the traffic flow will give good results. For the covering abstract of the conference see IRRD abstract no 247824.

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B 16709 (In: B 16708) /73 /83 / IRRD 247825

In: Verbetering van de verkeersleefbaarheid voor voetgangers : verslag studiedag, 15 november 1979, p. 17-20

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