The effect of the 1985 rise in open road speed limits on vehicle speeds.

Barnes, J.W. & Edgar, J.P.

On July 1st 1985, the New Zealand open road speed limits were raised, for most vehicles, by 20 km /h. This paper examines the effect these speed limits increases have had on vehicle speeds on a range of road types. It is concluded that, as a result of the speed limit increases, speeds of cars have increased on open roads of good geometric standards only, with this increase being in the vicinity of 2 km /h.

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B 27717 (In: B 27701) /72 /73 / IRRD 810837

In:New Zealand Roading Symposium 1987. Vol.III. Traffic and safety. The human resource. Vol.IV.Heavy vehicles.Economics.Bridges, p.581- 595.

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