The Effect of Curve Characteristics on Driving Behavior: A Driving Simulator Study.

Zakowska, L. Benedetto, A. Calvi, A. & D'Amico, F.

This study presents results of speed and drivers behavior effects of driving through rural roads with different geometric parameters and roadside visible characteristics. The research project deals with geometrical aspects of spatial road design that enhance road aesthetics and safety and covers experimental studies on drivers perception, using CRISS simulator. Experimental research goal was to test and to evaluate the effect of geometric road parameters (width and number of driving lanes, curvatures, transition curves, etc.) and road environment characteristics (visibility related)on drivers behavior which is related to driving safety. Research focuses on road curves design rules elaboration which support safety, according to Self Explaining Roads (SER) concept. Relations between road aesthetics, drivers perception of road environment and road safety are also investigated. The virtual road view has been created at CRISS laboratory, based on Polish road views and road environment characteristics. Research hypothesis and goals were elaborated in Poland. The experimental design details hasbeen built in close cooperation by both Polish and Italian researchers, also working together during pilot studies and the main experimental works at CRISS laboratory. Analysis presented in the paper are the first part ofresults, focusing on general evaluation of significant relations between experimental variables and driver’s perception and reactions.

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C 47735 (In: C 45019 DVD) /83 / ITRD E853668

In: Compendium of papers DVD 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board TRB, Washington, D.C., January 11-15, 2009, Us a.

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