The effect of pavement layers on the behaviour of corrugated steel culverts.

Johnson, P.E. Temporal, J. & Watts, G.R.A.

Loading tests have been performed on two high profile pipe arch culverts with spans of 3.7 and 5.95 m using single axle loads up to 455 kN. The smaller structure was tested at a cover depth of 0.86 m including the road pavement and the larger one was tested with 0.7 and 1.2 m cover unpaved and at 1.2 m including the pavement. Measurements of culvert deflection, ring compression and bending strains showed that the pavement had little effect on ring compression but reduced deflection by about 28 per cent. The largest effect was on bending strains which were reduced by 50 per cent after the pavement was constructed. The results obtained from the loading tests are considered in the context of the design methods available for corrugated steel culverts. The extension of these methods to incorporate an allowance for the effects of the pavement is also discussed. (A)


C 4298 [electronic version only] /25 /34 / IRRD 824168

Crowthorne, Berkshire, Transport and Road Research Laboratory TRRL TRL, 1989, 40 p., 19 ref.; Research Report ; RR 209 - ISSN 0266-5247

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