The effect of performance feedback on drivers’ hazard perceptionability and self-ratings.

Horswill, M.S. Garth, M. Hill, A. & Watson, M.O.

Drivers’ hazard perception ability has been found to predict crash risk, and novice drivers appear to be particularly poor at this skill. This competency appears to develop only slowly with experience, and this could partially be a result of poor quality performance feedback. The authors report an experiment in which they provided high-quality artificial feedback on individual drivers’ performance in a validated video-basedhazard perception test via either: (1) a graph-based comparison of hazard perception response times between the test-taker, the average driver, and an expert driver; (2) a video-based comparison between the same groups; or (3) both. All three types of feedback resulted in both an improvement in hazard perception performance and a reduction in self-rated hazard perception skill, compared with a no-feedback control group. Video-based and graph-based feedback combined resulted in a greater improvement in hazard perception performance than either of the individual components, which did not differ from one another. All three types of feedback eliminated participants’ self-enhancement bias for hazard perception skill. Participants judged both interventions involving video feedback to be significantly more likely to improve their real-world driving than the no feedback control group. While all three forms of feedback had some value, the combined video and graph feedback intervention appeared to be the most effective across all outcome measures. (Author/publisher)

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20180409 ST [electronic version only]

Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 101 (April 2017), p. 135-142, ref.

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