Effect of a roadside structure on lateral placement of motor vehicles.

Case, H.W. Hulbert, S.F. & Mount, G.E.

Lateral placement was measured photographically as the automobiles travelled 300 ft of the highway immediately preceding the barrier object. The barrier object was placed at three different distances from the highway edge. At the same time it was adjustable for three different widths. Thus, there were nine experimental conditions investigated. The major conclusions are that: (1) the reaction to distance is of a higher order of magnitude than the reaction to size; however, neither of these reactions is significant over and above the interaction effect; (2) maximum reaction occurs farther from the barrier as it is placed closer to the road; (3) even under minimum size and distance conditions, average pullover was 5 in. /author/.

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2 + 13 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


A 1693

Highway Research Board Proceedings. 1953. Vol 32, pp 364-370, 3 FIG, 14 TAB, 6 REF

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