The effect of seatbelt use on injury patterns, disposition, and hospital charges for elders.

Coley, A. Partridge, R. Kaylor, C. & Shapiro, M.

The objective of this study was to study the relationships between seatbelt use and injury patterns, hospital charges, morbidity, and mortality in elder motor vehicle crash victims. A retrospective review was conducted of individuals at least 65 years old presenting to an urban emergency department (ED) after a motor vehicle crash. Over a two-year period, 339 patients had documentation of seatbelt use or non-use at the time of the crash. Of these, 241 (71%) patients had been wearing a seatbelt and 98 (29%) had not. Elders not using seatbelts were more likely to require hospitalization (29% unbelted vs. 17% belted) and had a higher mortality rate. Injury patterns were different in the two groups. Emergency department charges were significantly different between belted and unbelted elders ($351 vs. $451, p = 0.01) and head computed tomography (CT) utilization was higher in the unbelted group (25.6% vs 12.7%, p = 0.005). It is concluded that improved seatbelt compliance in elders can reduce injuries, hospitalization rates, ED charges, and mortality resulting from motor vehicle crashes. (Author/publisher)

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C 28142 [electronic version only]

Academic Emergency Medicine, Vol. 9 (2002), No. 12 (December), p. 1411-1416, 38 ref.

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