The effect of used cars on African road traffic accidents : a case study of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Akloweg, Y. Hayshi, Y. & Kato, H.

This paper discusses the relationship between road traffic accidents and service of used cars. As a result of a poor traffic documentation system and a lack of attention given to road accidents in Africa, transport researchers have not addressed the problem in as much depth when compared to other causes of morbidity such as HIV, malaria, etc. Thus, this study provides an overview on used cars and their impact on road traffic accidents. It concludes by making policy recommendations that focus mainly on strict enforcement of vehicle pre-shipment inspection and a compulsory insurance requirement to minimize road morbidity and mortality caused by aged vehicles. Because it is a global issue, this paper also suggests big automakers cooperate in the refurbishment of used cars before deportation to developing countries by following proper inspection checklists. (Author/publisher)

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20180368 ST [electronic version only]

International Journal of Urban Sciences, Vol. 15 (2011), No. 1, p. 61-69, 12 ref.

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