The effect of vehicle- speed- sensing four- wheel steering system on handling performance.

Nakamoto, M. Masatome, T. & Kaneshina, N.

The yawing centre is the point around which the driver feels that the vehicle is rotating while in yawing motion. This can be considered significant information for the driver to be able to control vehicle steering performance. This paper introduces the concept of the yawing center of a vehicle in yawing motion, with the following factors analyzed by computer simulation with two- degrees of freedom: (1) How "yawing center" of two- wheel steering car varies while running; and (2) How it is improved by adopting four- wheel steering system.

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B 30507 (In: B 30451 [electronic version only]) /91 / IRRD 830245

In: 11th International Technical Conference on Experimental Safety Vehicles ESV, Washington, D.C., May 12-15, 1987, p. 495-501, 4 ref.

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