Effect of wet-dry cycles on resilient modulus of Class C coal fly ash-stabilized aggregate base.

Khoury, N.N. & Zaman, M.M.

A laboratory study was undertaken to investigate the effect of wet-dry (W-D) cycles on low-quality aggregates stabilized with Class C coal fly ash (CFA). Resilient modulus (M sub r), unconfined compressive strength, and elastic modulus were used to evaluate this effect. Cylindrical specimens stabilized with 10% CFA, cured for 3 and 28 days, and subjected to different W-D cycles were tested. The M sub r values of 28-day-cured specimens increased as W-D cycles increased up to 12, beyond which a reduction was observed. For 3-day-cured specimens, M sub r increased with the number of W-D cycles. W-D action produced a greater detrimental effect on 28-day-cured specimens than on 3-day-cured specimens. The M sub r values of 28-day-cured specimens subjected to 30 cycles were approximately 5% lower than the corresponding M sub r values of specimens without any W-D cycles. The M sub r values of 3-day-cured specimens subjected to 30 W-D cycles, however, increased approximately 55% compared with the corresponding M sub r values of specimens with no W-D cycles. Also, it was found that 12 to 30 W-D cycles could be considered adequate to have a noticeable negative effect on 28-day-cured specimens; however, more than 30 cycles are needed for 3-day-cured specimens. Additionally, the positive effect of curing time was more dominant on 3-day-cured specimens, and the detrimental effect of W-D cycles was more influential on 28-day-cured specimens.

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C 27609 (In: C 27607 S [electronic version only]) /42 / ITRD E820210

In: Geomaterials 2002 : soils, geology, and foundations, Transportation Research Record TRR 1787, p. 13-21, 17 ref.

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