Effecten en kosten van verkeersveiligheidsmaatregelen. In opdracht van Directoraat-Generaal Rijkswaterstaat, Adviesdienst Verkeer en Vervoer AVV.

Verbokkem, C.A. Dikker, E.J. Scheffers, P.J. & Lindeloof, M.

This report contains an overview of road safety measures, appropriate for the main road network of which the road authority is the Dutch national government (including non-motorways), and their effects on road safety, liveability, and accessibility. The costs of the measures are also presented. Those are measures which can be taken by the road authority concerning road layout modifications, traffic management, traffic measures, and enforcement.

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C 24839 [electronic version only]

De Bilt, Grontmij Verkeer en Infrastructuur, 2002, 183 p., 123 ref.; Documentnummer V&I-99325504

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