Effecten marktwerking en decentralisatie in het regionale spoor-, stads- en streekvervoer.

Stoelinga, A. Rosbergen, E. & Meurs, H.J.

Due to changes in legislation in public transport in the Netherlands, two allied processes were started: decentralization of (regional) railways, and tendering in regional and local train and bus services. The Netherlands Transport Research Centre (AVV) has followed these processes since 1998. In spite of the unruliness of the subject, the authors can conclude that at least a few regional Public Transport Authorities (PTAs) have put decentralization en tendering into practice. Since 1998, nine regional railways have been decentralized and the tendering of at least four public transport concessions has taken place. The number of cases of tendering will be surpassed next year. Moreover, operators have improved their products and/or lowered their prices with an eye to the upcoming tendering, and PTAs have sharpened their demands on the operators. After two years, it is not yet possible to say whether it will fulfil to all expectations, but there are some positive indications: integration of train and bus services improved in some regions; operators offer more services for the same amount of money; travellers appreciate public transport equally well or a bit better than before; some innovations are recognized; and operations in off-peak periods are increased rather than decreased. Increase of patronage, however, could not be ascertained. Finally, with their Programme of Demands PTAs appear to be able to determine the amount of public transport the operators are offering them and the control of it during the concession period. Furthermore, it appears that PTAs hold the operators to their words and insist on meeting the agreed level of performance. (A) For the covering abstract of the conference see ITRD E206647.

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C 24292 (In: C 24223 [electronic version only]) /72 /10 / ITRD E206716

In: Wie doet wat? : over de weerbarstige werkelijkheid van marktwerking en decentralisatie : 28ste Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk CVS : bundeling van bijdragen aan het colloquium gehouden te Amsterdam, 29 en 30 november 2001, deel 3, p. 1245-1257

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