Effecten van BREV-projecten.

Giesselbach, W.

Since 1977 the national government of the netherlands has financed experiments in residential areas, known as brev-projects. Many of these experiments in the infrastructure have now been completed. The main purpose was to obtain knowledge about infrastructural measures aimed at increasing traffic safety. In this paper attention is paid to three categories: namely roads having a living or social function, residential areas with speed limit of 30 km per hour and highways with a 50 km per hour speed limit.

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B 24364 (In: B 24358) [electronic version only] /21 /72 /82 / IRRD 285920

In: Verkeerstechnische Leergang ANWB 1984, p. 63-73, 11 fig. geaph. 1 tab.

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