Effecten van inhaalverboden. Fase 3: microsimulaties (inclusief samenvatting fasen 1 t/m 3). In opdracht van Directoraat-Generaal Rijkswaterstaat, Adviesdienst Verkeer en Vervoer AVV.


Commissioned by the Netherlands Transport Research Centre (AVV), a study was carried out into the effects of overtaking prohibitions. The main purpose is to determine quantitatively and qualitatively the effects of the application of overtaking prohibitions on regional main roads (100 km/h speed limit) and 80 km/h 'distributors' with two by one lanes on: the quality of traffic performance, the capacity and traffic flow; and on the subjective and objective road safety. This report describes phase 3 of the study. Microsimulations were carried out using the 'Dynamic Route Assignment Combining User Learning and microsimulAtion' (DRACULA) model. For these simulations a number of traffic and road variables were selected. A total of 64 simulations were carried out. For abstracts of the phases 1 and 2 see C 23350 and C 23351 respectively.

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C 23352 [electronic version only]

Amersfoort, DHV Milieu en Infrastructuur, 2002, 52 p.

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