Effecten verkeers circulatie plan op bezoek en koopgedrag.

Hurenkamp, H. & Lee, J.J. van der

The main objective of the Groningen TSM-scheme, viz the restraint of motor car traffic in the city centre, has materialised in a decrease of 47% in car traffic volumes. The accessibility by car, however, was only slightly reduced. The indirect effects of the scheme are generally less than the physical results. There have been a number of trends: during the first year of implementation shopkeepers tended to postpone their investments while later on they decided to start investment again. There have been, however, a considerable number of changes in the operating results of the retail trade. There should be a possibility of settlement of damages caused by TSM-schemes. (Author/publisher)

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B 18860 T /72 / IRRD 255896

Verkeerskunde, Vol. 32 (1981), No. 5 (mei), p. 238-243, 14 ref.

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