Effective and sustainable development of chinese national intelligent transportation system architecture.

Liu, H. Zhang, K. Wang, X. Qi, T. & Wang, C.

The development of an intelligent transportation system (ITS) architecture has attracted increasing attention across the world because such an architecture provides a common reference for the ITS community. Standardization of procedures in the development of an ITS architecture is necessary and urgent because of the architecture’s inherent complexity, which requires the involvement of several development teams. Although a computer-aided systems engineering model is widely adopted to accomplish parts of the development task, so far no countries define a strict, clear, and applicable procedure to aid the development teams. This paper first briefly introduces the general methodology for the development of ITS architectures. Then it describes the reasons why a new development tool is needed and examines the components of this development tool. This tool provides developers with support by simplifying and standardizing the entire procedure of ITS architecture development. It reduces developers’ workload significantly, improves efficiency, and ensures completeness and consistency of the ITS architecture. It is the first attempt to integrate every step of ITS architecture development procedure into a single package, which has proved to be of great help for Chinese development teams in accomplishing this task effectively and easily in a sustainable way.

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C 50534 (In: C 50528 S [electronic version only]) /73 / ITRD E846989

In: Intelligent Transportation Systems and vehicle - highway automation 2005, Transportation Research Record No. TRR 1910, 2005, p. 46-56, 4 ref.

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