The effectiveness of a brief psychological intervention on court-referred and self-referred aggressive drivers.

Galovski, T.E. & Blanchard, E.B.

This study tested the efficacy of a cognitive-behavioural psychological intervention (CBT) targeting aggressive driving behaviours within both a court-referred (N=20) and a self-referred community (N=8) sample as compared to a symptom monitoring (SM) only control condition. Treatment outcome was assessed through the use of daily driving diaries, standard psychological tests, and a global rating of change scale. The CBT treatment condition improved more than the SM condition as assessed through the daily driving diaries. Although the court-referred and self-referred samples showed equivalent improvement on the driving diaries, the self-referred group improved more on measures of general anger. Standardised measures of driving anger, state anxiety and measures of general anger indicated significant change in the expected direction. Aggressive drivers who met criteria for Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED) showed a trend to improve less than non-IED aggressive drivers. Treatment gains were maintained at the 2-month follow-up point. (Author/publisher)

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C 26706 [electronic version only]

Behaviour Research and Therapy, Vol. 40 (2002), No. 12 (December), p. 1385-1402, 23 ref.

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