The effectiveness of restrictions on novice drivers in Northern Ireland.

Hewitt, R.H. & Ferguson, J.D.

This article reviews research undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness of the "R plate legislation" in Northern Ireland. Under this legislation, novice drivers are limited to a speed of 45 mph for one year after passing their driving test, and must display a letter "R" on their number plate. The same speed restriction is applied to any driver for whom a retest is ordered by the courts. The main criterion for the assessment is the reduction, if any, in the number of accidents to first year drivers. A sample of 10% (3000) new drivers, and a further sample of 3000 drivers with between 2 and 5 years experience was used. Each driver was sent a questionnaire in which they were invited to provide data on: a) details of driving experience over the past year; b) number of accidents; c) opinions about the cause of accidents; d) opinions about the R driver regulations; and e) driving offences. Some of the problems which will be encountered in the interpretation of the results are discussed. No data have yet been obtained from this survey. The paper concludes with a survey of the existing evidence of the benefits of the regulations.

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C 2794 (In: C 2791 [electronic version only]) /83 / IRRD 853732

In: Conference report of Eurosafe 1992 "Safer driving in Europe", London, 23rd & 24th July 1992, p. 29-40, 13 ref.

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