Effectiveness of systematic helmet information : head injuries connected with bicycle accidents among children 0-14 years and other age groups in Skaraborg county, 1978-1989 ; compared with four other counties and Sweden.

Welander, G. Ekman, R. & Schelp, L.

The study investigates a bicycle-helmet initiative aimed at children up to 14 in Skaraborg county in Sweden, 1978-1989. Skaraborg is compared with four other counties and the whole country. The knowledge generated is relevant to future injury-prevention activities. The study comprises an analysis of mortality data, a survey of parental attitudes in Skaraborg, and a review ofinstitutional-health-care data. An average of 87 cyclists in Sweden per year were killed over the period, and 30,000 to 40,000 injured. Total medical-care costs have been estimated at around 1,500 m SEK. A clear interest was found among Skaraborg parents in child-cycling safety, with 90% of children using helmets. The amount of helmets. The amount of care devoted to head injuries has declined more sharply in Skaraborg than elsewhere in Sweden. This favourable trend can in part be due to the systematic dissemination of information on helmet wearing via the child health service. At 30%, helmet use among younger children is relatively high in Sweden. However, it needs to be promoted among other age groups. Experiences from child-safety work (particularly informational activities) need to be utilized, while international evidence suggest legislation can be effective. (A).

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C 6108 (In: C 6102 S) /83 /84 / IRRD 882458

In: Proceedings of the conference Road Safety in Europe and Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP), Lille, France, September 26-28, 1994, VTI Konferens 2A, Part 2, p. 85-102, 46 ref.

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