Effectmeting DVM geen overbodige luxe : verkeersveiligheid en capaciteit op gespannen voet.

Elbers, B. & Berkum, E. van

Dynamic traffic management (DVM) measures are being applied to an increasingly number of motorway locations in the Netherlands, mainly to temporarily increase their capacity. DVM measures have a good price/quality ratio. These measures are cheaper than traditional capacity extensions (more asphalt), and have a positive effect on traffic flow. However, the application of DVM measures to motorways also has a negative effect: road safety is coming under pressure in the meantime by continuously increasing the capacity. Therefore, it is important to have a testing criterion: how far can you go with increasing the capacity? The proper indicators, that should take part of a new testing criterion to be developed, have still to be looked for. A first application of so-called traffic stability indicators shows that much has yet to be done.

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C 25551 [electronic version only]

Verkeerskunde, Vol. 54 (2003), No. 4, p. 40-44, 3 ref.

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