Effects of 24-hour headlight use on traffic safety.

CTC & Associates LLC

Daytime running lights — generally low-wattage headlights that turn on automatically when a vehicle’s ignition is started — are a safety feature intended to reduce multiple-vehicle crashes during daylight hours by making vehicles more conspicuous to other drivers. In some countries, such as Canada, they are required to be standard equipment on all vehicles manufactured; in the United States they are permitted but not required, and were standard equipment on about 27 percent of new vehicles manufactured in 2005 (NHTSA, 2008). (Author/publisher)

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20110203 ST [electronic version only]

Ames, IA, Iowa State University, Center for Transportation Research and Education (CTRE), 2010, 63 p., 23 ref.; Transportation Research Synthesis ; TRS 1009

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