Effects of age on peripheral vision

Ernst Wolf

Changes in visual sensitivity with age at photopic meso- pic and scotopic luminance levels have been found in studies on visual acuity, dark adaptation and flicker. It also has been shown that sensitivity to glare increases with ageo Approxi- mately at te age of 40 years the pace of change is accelerated.. This can be shown equally well for the dark adaptation, flicker, and glare data. Most studies thas far have been restricted to tests in the central visual field. Information on visual per- formance in the peripheral visual field is obtained b y studies on dynamic visual acuity and flicker perimety. Perimetric fields obtained by the flicker method in individuals between the ages of 6 and 93 years under various experimental condition are presented and the effects of alertness,training,and experience are discussed

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In: Highway research Board bulletin 336 blz 26

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