Effects of alternative measures to increase the use of seat belts in the rear seats and use of safety equipment for children in private cars.


The aim of this study was to assess the effects of alternative measures to increase the use of seat belts in the rear seats and the use of safety equipment for children in private cars on the number of killed or injured. The calculations are based on existing information and statistics, along with assumptions as to what safety effect seat belts or safety equipment for children will have on those who use such equipment. The assessment of the risk of injury is based mainly on a literature review. However, as few investigations of this type have been carried out concerning the protective effects of the use of rear seat belts, it was necessary also to review studies of the effects of seat belt use in the front seat. It was presumed that results from studies of the protective effect of belt use in front seats can generally be applied to rear seats.

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B 234 /83 /91 / IRRD 280603

Oslo, Nordisk Trafiksikkerhedsråd NTR, 1984, 122 p., 56 ref.; NTR Rapport ; No. 37A

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