The effects of a combined enforcement and public information campaign on seat belt use.

Gundy, C.M.

It is generally agreed that seat belt use is effective in preventing (fatal) driver injuries, and that legislation is an effective measure for increasing their use. Nevertheless, legislation alone rarely proves sufficient to achieve anything near universal usage. Policy makers can reach for a number of measures to bolster seat belt use. This paper presents some of the results of an evaluation of a combined enforcement and public information campaign that was conducted in 1984 in Friesland.

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B 26133 (In: B 26113) /83 /91 / IRRD 809387

In: Proceedings of the International Workshop "Recent Developments in road safety research", Koninklijk Conservatorium, The Hague, 19 November 1986, p. 194-203, 4 graph., 1 tab., 4 ref.


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