Effects of gender and athletic participation on driving capability.

Hancock, P.A. Kane, M.J. Scallen, S. & Albinson, C.B.

This study sought to determine if spatiotemporal skills, represented by success in high level sport, transfer to driving and, if so, whether such transfer is mediated by the gender of the driver. Using an emergency-braking test, we compared the driving ability of male and female athletes and non-athletes and showed that athletes achieved significantly longer and therefore superior durations for time-to-contact. The advantage of athletic participation thus did not appear in movement time but rather in the ability to produce desirable performance in context. We found that males and females did not differ significantly with respect to driving, however, involvement in sport apparently transfers to aspects of driving and so provides benefits beyond the intrinsic reward of the sports activities themselves. (Author/publisher)

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C 23154 [electronic version only]

International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, Vol. 8 (2002), No. 2, p. 281-925, 13 ref.

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