Effects of hours of service, regularity of schedules, and cargo loading on truck and bus driver fatigue.

Mackie, R.R. & Miller, J.C.

A literature review, a nationwide survey of commercial truck and bus driver work patterns, an analysis of accident data, and three extensive field experiments were conducted to establish evidence concerning driver fatigue as a function of regularity or irregularity of work schedules, duration of on-duty cycles, participation in supplemental cargo loading work, and type of operation (relay versus sleeper). Data are presented concerning the relative amounts of fatigue experienced by truck and bus drivers under these various conditions, as reflected in their subjective ratings, in various measures of physiological status and in the quality of their driving performance. The results are related to accident data in which fatigued, drowsy or inattentive drivers were reportedly involved. Conclusions are drawn regarding current DOT regulations on hours of service.

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B 19497 MF [electronic version only] /83 /

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA, 1978, XXVII + 212 p., ref.; DOT HS 803 799 [rapport begint op pag. 133 van pdf]

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