The effects of using mobile phones and navigation systems during driving. Proefschrift Technische Universiteit Delft TUD.

Knapper, A.S.

The effects of using mobile phones and navigation systems during driving might be the most complex task that many engage in on a daily basis. Drivers need to pay attention to other vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians, while keeping the car safely between the road markings and at an appropriate distance from any vehicle in front. Several factors relating to human behaviour affect the likelihood of someone being involved in a crash. The WHO (2015) distinguishes speed, drink driving, motorcycle helmets, seatbelts and child restraints, and distracted driving as the key risk factors. Many countries have put distraction as one of their policy priorities for the coming years. The precise impact of distracted driving on crash likelihood is not known yet. Estimates of road user distraction being a contributory factor in accidents range from 10 to 30%. This thesis focuses on drivers being distracted from mobile phones and navigation systems, and how their driving performance is affected. Mobile phones are predominantly smartphones nowadays, with touchscreens, downloadable apps and e-mail. Most drivers in Western countries own a mobile phone. Navigation systems may help the driver navigate, providing both efficient routes and comfort. Navigation systems are widely used, for instance in the Netherlands two third of all Dutch households own a portable navigation system in 2015.


20180535 ST [electronic version only]

Den Haag, SWOV - Instituut voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid, 2018, 220 p., ref.; SWOV-Dissertatiereeks - ISBN 978-90-73946-18-7 / Ook verschenen in de TRAIL Thesis Series T2018/10, the Netherlands TRAIL Research School - ISBN 978-90-5584-242-1


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