Effektkatalog for trafikksikkerhetstiltak. [Compendium of road safety measures.]

Høye, A.

The Compendium of road safety measures summarizes effects of 34 types of road safety measures. The main focus is on measures within the responsibility of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. For each measure effects on the numbers of fatalities, critically injured, seriously injured and slightly injured are estimated, mainly based on the Handbook of Road Safety Measures (published in Norwegian on http://tsh.toi.no). The estimated effects may be used in planning processes and in cost-benefit analyses. The Compendium of road safety measures summarizes state-of-the-art knowledge about the effects of 34 types of road safety measures on fatalities and injuries. Detailed information about the measures, their effects and references to empirical studies, can be found in the Handbook of Road Safety Measures. All effects are reported in terms of percentage changes of the numbers of fatalities, critically injured, seriously injured and slightly injured persons in those types of crashes that are assumed to be affected by the respective measures. Many measures, especially speed reducing measures, have larger effects on more serious injuries. An overview of all effects is given in the appendix (Vedlegg A, in Norwegian). The effects of all types of road safety measures depend on the design of the measure and the context in which it is used. One cannot expect any measure to have the same effect at all times and in all contexts. It is therefore essential to consider the specific circumstances under which a measure will be implemented, including possible unintended effects such as changes in traffic volumes or speed. (Author/publisher)


20170331 ST [electronic version only]

Oslo, Institute of Transport Economics TØI, 2017, II + 36 p., 24 ref.; TØI Report ; 1556/2017 - ISSN 0808-1190 / ISBN 978-82-480-1884-1 (digital version)

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