Eignungsprüfungen von Markierungsmaterialien in der Rundlaufprüfanlage der Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen (BASt). Zusammenarbeit mit der Markierungsindustrie.

Hartkopf, G. & Seliger, R.

Since 1956, BASt has rated the suitability of new pavement marking materials in field tests running over a period of several years. The quality rating of applied pavement marking materials in the past mainly concentrated on the analysis of the materials to ascertain identity with tested and approved specimens.

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B 31086 (In: B 31082) /35 / IRRD 321576

In: Roads and Traffic 2000. Proceedings of the International Road and Traffic Conference, Berlin, 6- 9 September 1988, Volume II /2, p. 195- 199, 3 ref. Theme II: Road Construction and Maintenance.

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