Elderly mobility: issues, opinions and analysis of trip making in Adelaide.

Somenahalli, S.V.C. & Taylor, M.A.P.

Despite the pace at which South Australia is ageing, there is no overall plan for providing the transportation needs of older people. There is a strong need to understand these characteristics to get a clear picture of the probable mobility needs of older people in the future. The key aims of this research project were to examine the population of interest (taking Adelaide as case study) in detail; identify barriers to mobility and methods to overcome them; detail best practices from transportation programs designed to improve travel opportunities for older persons; and identify further innovations. The study used data collected in the primary survey conducted during March 2007. Day-to-day travel surveys of older people (65 years and above) were conducted to obtain essential information on the travel and activity patterns of older people how they travel, where they go, when, why and so on (i.e. to understand their transport mobility). We sought travel details from people aged 65 and above for a particular day (4am to 4 am next day). We also collected general information of each member of the household to develop statistical relationships. This survey has also sought the opinion of the older people in Adelaide with regard to their mobility, especially public transport needs. (a) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E216058.

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C 48585 (In: C 48575 [electronic version only]) /72 / ITRD E215992

In: ATRF07 : Managing transport in a climate of change and uncertainty: proceedings of the 30th Australasian Transport Research Forum (ATRF) 2007, Melbourne, 25-27 September 2007, 14 p.

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