Electronic FEE collection standardization.

Engdahl, J.

This paper accounts for the international standardization in the field of electronic fee collection (EFC) based on dedicated short-range communication (DSRC). It describes the principles and the scope of the EFC standardisation programme, and reports on recent progress. The contents of the standards are outlined and, where they fit in, the context of a reference architecture. The paper concludes by suggesting that standards on conformance test procedures are needed in order to further foster multiple sourcing and the creation of an open DSRC market.

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C 33875 (In: C 26095 CD-ROM) /10 / ITRD E831248

In: ITS - Transforming the future : proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems ITS, Sydney, Australia, 30 September - 4 October 2001, 7 p.

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