Electronic surveillance of the state of highways for the purpose of winter maintenance. Saisie électronique de l'état des routes pour l'entretien hivernal.

Schlup, U. & Zehnder, W.

In Switzerland safety on routes with a major flow of traffic gives rise to problems mainly in winter. A system for black- ice detection (SDV), intended to supplement local weather forecasts for early detection of impending snowfalls and, in particular, the formation of black ice. The objectives of the SDV are: - to increase highway safety in winter: - to reduce the volume of chemical melting agents and hence expenditure and environmental pollution.

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B 27476 (In: B 27451) /62 / IRRD 802984

In: Electronics and traffic on major roads. Technical, regulatory and ergonomic aspects. Proceedings of the International Seminar, Paris, June 4- 6, 1985, p.367- 376.

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