Elektronica in het wegverkeer. Deel I: Een literatuuroverzicht in opdracht van de Raad voor de Verkeersveiligheid. Deel II: Een bundel samenvattingen behorende bij het gelijknamige literatuuroverzicht.

Wouters, P.I.J.

Electronic aids are now in a sufficiently advanced stage of development that those functions previously reserved for tasks by humans can also be fulfilled by electronics. This implies however a conceptual problem which amongst other problems in the application of electronics in traffic and transport requires attention. The introduction and application of electronics in traffic gives rise to some problems. A problem analysis is therefore needed before instrumentation and implementation can take place. In this context some points of view are discussed including the possibilities and limitations inherent in electronic aids, aspects of information supply and information processing by road users and the influence on the performance of the driving task. In the first part of this literature review possibilities for the application of electronics for traffic safety control are discussed. The second part contains an enumeration of the literature used from which abstracts are quoted.


B 24754 [electronic version only] /73/91/ IRRD 291424

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1984, 116 p., ref. R-84-23 I + R-84-23 II


Dit is een publicatie van SWOV, of waar SWOV een bijdrage aan heeft geleverd.