Emissions of mopeds and motorcycles in Belgium.

Cornelis, E. Vlieger, I. de & Int Panis, L.

In this paper we report our estimates for the total emission of CO, NOx, VOC and CO2 of mopeds and motorcycles in Belgium and indicate confidence intervals. Data on the fleet of motorcycles are readily available from registration records, but the number of mopeds had to be estimated. Different sources were evaluated to obtain a best estimate for the yearly mileage and a distribution over rural, urban and highway roads. Most emission factors used were provided by MEET. Emission factors for CO and VOC are much higher than the factors of modern petrol cars. When compared to the total Flemish road transport emission (1999) it turns out that mopeds and motorcycles can no longer be neglected. They are responsible for 11% (58ktonne; 7-15%) of the CO emission and 25% (22ktonne; 15-35%) of the VOC emission. These shares have doubled over the last decade. This can be explained by their success, but also by the introduction of environmentally friendly cars since the beginning of the nineties and the fact that more stringent emission regulations for mopeds and motorcycles came into force in 1997. When compared to the total emission of Flanders in 1999, the mopeds and motorcycles are responsible for 6.6% of the total emission of CO and 6.9% of the total emission of NMVOC, or, weighted to the capacity to produce ozone, of 3.7% in the total emission of ozone precursors. An attempt to quantify the noise emission by mopeds and motorcycles failed due to a lack of data. For the covering abstract see ITRD E128239.

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C 35572 (In: C 35524 [electronic version only]) /15 /90 / ITRD E128287

In: Urban transport VIII : urban transport and the environment in the 21st century : proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Urban Transport and The Environment in the 21st Century, Seville, Spain, 13-15 March 2002, p. 491-499, 12 ref.

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