Energiförbrukning för spårtaxi : en jämförelse med bil och buss = Energy effectiveness of Personal Rapid Transit PRT : a comparison with car and bus.

Gustavsson, E. & Kåberger, T.

Personal rapid transit (PRT) could be a solution to the crowding and pollution problems in our cities. It is a transport system that provides individual journeys in public systems. The result of the calculations is that propulsion and heating of PRT vehicles will require less than a fourth of the energy for cars and less than half of the energy used for buses, all comparisons based on energy consumption per passenger km. The energy required for construction of the guideway is also quite low compared to road construction. The amount of travelling and changes in the modal split are important parameters for the energy savings that can be achieved by introducing PRT. According to questionnaire studies and experience from existing transport systems, it is probable that a considerable proportion of the car drivers will be attracted to PRT. This is where the greatest energy saving potential can be found. The conclusion is that low energy use and moderate energy investments are typical characteristics of the projected PRT system. The type of system we have studied is very energy efficient in operation, and in a future with ever increasing traffic, PRT will be very profitable with regard to energy. (A)

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C 6291 S /72 /96 / IRRD 871436

Linköping, Swedish Road and Transport Research Institute VTI, 1994, 28 + 20 p., 44 ref.; VTI Meddelande ; No. 737 - ISSN 0347-6049

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