Energy absorption by variable shear strength duplex materials.

Millman, R.S. & Chappell, M.J.

Duplex elements for the reinforcement of polymer or metal matrix composites have been produced consisting of convoluted high strength care wires in small bare stainless steel tubing. Experimental composites consisting of duplex elements in a polymer matrix have been made and tested. A number of potential applications both in the road transport industry and elsewhere have been examined and a variety of designs for such devices are described.

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B 13895 (In: B 7042 [electronic version only]) /91.1/ IRRD 231596

In: Report on the 5th International Technical Conference on Enhanced Safety of Vehicles ESV, London, England, June 4 - 7, 1974, p. 729-739, 5 fig., 10 graph., 5 tab., 8 ref.

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