Enforcement of drink-driving legislation : perceptions of and attitudes towards random breath testing : selected results from a survey of the topic of drink-driving and random breath testing, March 1987.

Span, D.B.E.

Results pertaining to questions on enforcement aspects of drink- driving and random breath testing were selected from a survey of March 1987. Respondents were motorists who consume alcoholic drinks. Results are discussed in the context of objective measures of alcohol involvement in crashes and in terms of the awareness of random breath testing and perception of the risk of being detected for drink- driving.

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B 28338 /73 /83.4 /

Rosebery, NSW, Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales, Road Safety Bureau, 1989, III + 25 p., 8 ref.; Research Note ; RN 1/89 - ISSN 0314-9846 / ISBN 0-7240-7307-8

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