An engineering approach to trauma indicating organs = Manière technique d'aborder le problème des organes révélant des traumatismes = Ein Versuch auf technischem Wege trauma-anzeigende Organe herzustellen.

Bloom, A & R.W. Duer

The possibilities of simulating internal organs and vascular systems which would respond to dynamic impacts in the some way as human organs are discussed. The potential value of anthropometric dummies fitted with such devices for the study of injury-producing dynamic impacts is outlined.

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A 7396 (In: A 7342) IRRD 58815

In: 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium, held May 13-15, 1970 in Detroit and June, 8-11, 1970 in Brussels, p. 876-8 ; SAE paper 700407

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