Engineering methods for designing safe pedestrians facilities.

Sisiopiku, V.P.

In the recent years there has been an interest in promoting pedestrian travel as an alternative to the use of automobile. In that respect transportation engineers should consider pedestrian needs and design facilities that enhance safety and efficiency for all users. However, this task is a difficult one since satisfaction of pedestrian needs often presents a conflict of interest with the needs of motorized users. A variety of traditional and innovative approaches exist to assist engineers design facilities that accommodate safety needs of pedestrian users. The paper undergoes an extensive review of the literature and summarizes a variety of new approaches that are used to improve design of pedestrian facilities. The paper describes the concept and applicability of each approach, and evaluates its effectiveness based on results reported in the literature. The review indicates that while each approach has certain benefits to offer, concurrent implementation of a variety of techniques is often required to heighten motorists' awareness of pedestrian presence and increase pedestrian safety. For the covering abstract see ITRD E136182.

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C 49187 (In: C 49180 CD-ROM) /85 / ITRD E136187

In: Safe non-motorised traffic - planning, evaluation, behavioural, legal and institutional issues : proceedings of ICTCT (International Cooperation on Theories and Concepts in Traffic Safety) Extra Workshop, Vancouver, Canada, 12-13 June 2003, 13 p., 20 ref.

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